January 2020: Fishbowl Conversation
Part 1: January 2020
Fishbowl Conversation
Late January, ULI Nashville and its program partners held, “A Fishbowl Conversation: Exploring the Balance Between Economic Development, Gentrification and Displacement.” The Fishbowl began important conversations among a diverse group of voices on gentrification, racism, and the history of racism in real estate and its consequences. Generally, there’s no ‘bad’ or ‘good’ guy in gentrification and displacement. Yet, there is a distinct cause and effect that can disrupt lives and the health and vitality of our city.
The goal of this program was to open a new level of understanding on the balance and dynamics of responsible economic development, investment, and displacement. The Fishbowl was not intended to be a one-and-done event but to launch an on-going exchange that will help to build a better Nashville. Attendees included affordable housing providers (private and non-profit), market-rate developers, residents, city officials, and other community stakeholders; many of whom were invited guests of our five Program Partners; Metro Nashville Planning Department, Urban Housing Solutions, The Housing Fund, NOAH, and ULI Nashville. Read more about the Fishbowl program & process HERE.